‘Ladylogue!’ was an evening of one-woman shorts by some of the UK’s finest emerging female playwrights. Past writers have included Maud Dromgoole. Katie McCullough, Tina Jay, Sarah Hehir, Guleraana Mir, Lucy Foster, Madeline Gould, Serena Haywood, Mina Maisuria, Sarah Milton and Maria Yarjah.
Hilarious, uplifting, often agonizing and at times a little dark, these tales reveal the inner lives of women dealing with whatever the world throws at them, by all means necessary. Are they mistresses of their own fates or merely making the best of a bad situation? Be they hopeful or hopeless, these characters will open up a portion of their world, and will never give up without a fight!
Ladylogue ran as part of Camden Fringe Festival at the Tristan Bates Theatre in 2014 & 2015. It spawned both Coconut and Ladykiller which both became full length production for The Thelmas.
★★★★ ‘…an energetic bunch of talented women… I’ll be watching you again’ - remotegoatstage
★★★★ ’…hilarious, challenging, and heartbreaking…
executed with grace, variety, and interest.'
- Grumpygaycritic
★★★★ ’...laughing so loud I would have been embarrassed if everyone else wasn’t also barking, snorting and shrieking’
- femalearts
...highly relatable to many of our awkward and painful teenage memories… Beautifully and cleverly written Maud Dromgoole, and expertly portrayed by Rhiannon Story. (femalearts)
★★★ 'An all-female cast and crew making theatre that people like - maybe that's the best kind of feminism'
- View from the Gods